natural fruit flavoured waters

natural fruit flavoured water

by Michelle

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Natural fruit flavoured water bump fake drink mix.

When the girls were little, summer meant summer food. Easy to prepare, fun to eat food. Salads, sandwiches,anything on the barbecue, ice cream, local berries and powdered drink mix. I know. I can’t believe that I served my children pure sugar-water. I seldom had pop in the house, but, for what ever reason, I saw no problem with powdered drink mix. I think it was one of those yearnings from my own childhood. Clearly, my mom was far more nutritionally advanced when her children were small, than I was. Every year, on the last day of school the girls and I would go grocery shopping for our summer treats. Top of the list were packets of powdered drink mix, in every flavour!

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Fast forward twenty years; we have two little girls coming to the farm for the weekend, who will NOT be served sugary purple water! For kids, something to drink with lots of ice and a fantastic straw is treat enough, as long as it’s tasty. Natural fruit flavoured water is refreshing, cheerful and screams summer. It’s a little more work than stirring sugar into water but so worth it! You can use fresh or frozen berries which makes fruit flavoured water a wonderful way to use up last years frozen local berries to make room for the upcoming bounty. Lemons, limes and oranges together, separate or any combination that suits you. Fresh mint, by itself or with any of the above. My favourite is cucumber, but I think the berry water will be more tempting for children. Whatever combination you put together, you’ll know that what you are pouring is healthy. Now, if you’d still like to buy powdered drink mix as a summer treat, I hear it makes a great hair dye…

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Freckled noses. Sun-kissed cheeks. Golden curls. Pigtails in ribbons. Bathing suits that never had time time to dry. Tiny hands full of wild flower bouquets. Homemade popcicles melting faster than they could slurp. Peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwiches on pink plastic plates at the beach. Bare feet in rubber boots splashing through a summer rain. Chasing fireflies after bed-time in pretty cotton nighties. Twilight campfires dripping with charred marshmallows. The summer magic of three little girls…

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  • 1 quart ice cold water
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh mint
  • Raspberries
  • cucumber slices
  • Lemon slices
  • Lime slices
  • Orange slices


  1. Use any one of the flavourings suggested above or experiment by mixing a couple together.
  2. Place a handful of whatever flavour you choose in the bottom of a one quart pitcher.
  3. Using the end of a wooden spoon or a muddler, smoosh up the flavour a little.
  4. Add your water and serve over ice.

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THE LOVE: Natural fruit flavoured water has no shelf life,use within 2 hours of making it.

Thank for reading.